Motor neuron disease (MND) is a uncommon condition that influences the brain and nerves. It causes weakness that deteriorates over the long run. There's no solution for MND, yet there are medicines to assist with lessening the effect it has on an individual's day to day routine. Certain individuals live with the condition for a long time. Visit Dr. Haritha Koganti, the best neurologist for motor neuron disease treatment in Manikonda


Symptoms of motor neuron illness happen steadily and may not be clear from the first.

Early symptoms can include:

  1. Weakness in your ankle or leg - you could trip, or find it harder to climb stairs
  2. slurred discourse, which might form into trouble in swallowing a few food varieties
  3. a weak grip - you could drop things, or find it hard to open containers or do up buttons
  4. muscle cramps and twitches
  5. weight loss - your arms or leg muscles might have become thinner over the long run
  6. trouble in stopping yourself from crying or laughing in inappropriate situations


There's at present no cure for motor neuron illness. Motor Neuron Disease Treatment in Kondapur given by neuron disease specialist in Hyderabad aims to:

  1. make the individual feel great and have the most ideal quality of life
  2. compensate for the progressive loss of bodily functions like versatility, correspondence, swallowing and breathing.

For instance, a breathing mask can significantly help the symptoms of breathing and weakness, and a feeding tube (called a gastrostomy) keeps up with nutrition and overall solace. On the off chance that fundamental, prescription can be utilized to help control over the excessive drooling.

A drug called riluzole has shown a small improvement in patients' overall survival, yet it isn’t a cure and doesn't stop the condition advancing.

Visit neurology doctors in Hitech city.

Neucare Speciality Clinic offering Brain Stroke treatment In Hyderabad, and we providing our services at Manikonda, Kondapur, Hitec City, Gachibowli and Madhapur visit our hospital now or call 9849479359

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